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Latin Activities

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Latin Activities

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Romans Go Home has long made Latin apps and games for iPad, iPhone, Android, and OS X, but very few children have easy access to those devices. So, we wanted to find a new way to reach students and teachers no matter what computers they have, and we had an idea: what if we created some activity sheets?

Don't get your hopes up just yet – this is only a first attempt. Please read the below carefully!

What's in the pack?

You get a selection of printable word searches and anagrams as PDFs.

Word searches? Rubbish! I have lots of those already.

That's OK, you don't need to have these. But I have crafted them to be quite sneaky, which might interest you:

  • Each word search has three difficulty levels depending on the age of your students.
  • Each word search is printed as 30 separate pages, all unique. This means students are unable to copy from others, because every word search is unique. If you want students to have the same one, just print any page multiple times.
  • Because we're truly evil, each word search gives the word to find in English, but the word is placed in the grid in Latin. This means students will have to remember words or use a dictionary to translate before searching.

That sounds hard.

It hard, but that's sort of the point. The anagrams take a similar approach: students are given a word in English, but it's letters are scrambled. Their job is to unscramble the word, translate it to Latin, then fill in the boxes. When working with a specific category – e.g. animals or colours – this isn't too difficult, but the Useful Words PDF will make their minds work.

Can I see a sample?

Of course: click here to download the "Useful Words Level 2" word search PDF. You'll see a list of words to find in English, which must be translated to Latin then found in the grid. It includes 30 unique varieties, as do all activities in the pack.

Can I hand these out?

Yes, everyone who buys the worksheets gets an unlimited licence to print them for their students. You may not distribute them digitally or give printouts to other teachers, but you're welcome to print them for as many students as you have in your classes, now and in the future.

It doesn't matter whether you teach a high school class of 50 or a home school class of 1, you can print these worksheets whenever you need.

Wait a minute… buy? I knew there was a catch.

The worksheet pack gives you 24 PDFs of anagrams and word searches at various difficulties, and each one has 30 pages of variations inside so you get a total of 720 printable pages.

We think that's pretty good, but we wanted to go a step further: you can download all of them, print them for all your students, and pay nothing. 

We're offering them for sale as "pay what you want," which means you can pay $10 or more if you want to, but it's not required – you can pay $0 and download it all for free.

So it's free?

We understand that not everyone has money to spare on teaching materials, so please feel free to pay nothing. You can still print them and hand them out to all your students, even if you pay nothing.

If you want to pay nothing, just enter $0 into the price box above.

Do I get an answer sheet?

Working with any language is never easy, because one word might have multiple translations. This is particularly true of things like colours, where my idea of the word for "grey" might not match yours.

So, we've included an answer sheet listing every word that's used in Latin and English, so you can see exactly what's expected of students. Look for the file "!README.doc".

These are nice, but I wish you could just…

If you have suggestions for improvement, send us an email:

Do you do this in other languages, like Greek or Spanish?

No, or at least not yet – email if you have suggestions!

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You'll get 24 PDFs of 30 pages each. You can print each PDF for as many students as you have. If you don't have $10, feel free to download them for free by entering 0 above.

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